Colour Me Pretty are committed to providing a secure and convenient shopping experience for our customers.
We accept payment through various online channels. All payments must be made in full before your order is shipped. We take the security of your payment information very seriously and all transactions are processed using secure payment gateways to protect your sensitive data. Please note that we do not offer credit accounts or payment plans.
All orders must be paid for in full at the time of purchase.
We accept the following forms of payment:
Credit Card: Use the PayPal checkout option to pay with your credit card
PayPal: If you have a PayPal account, you can choose to pay using your PayPal balance or linked credit card. Simply select the PayPal option at checkout and follow the prompts to complete your payment. PayPal Pay In 4: If you qualify for PayPal Pay in 4, simply select this option at checkout and follow the prompts to complete your payment.
Bank Transfer: For Customers who prefer to pay directly from their bank account, we offer bank transfer as a payment option. Please note that some bank transfers may take up to 5 business days to clear so your order will not be shipped until the payment has been received. Full payment is due at the time of purchase. If we do not receive notification at least of your bank transfer within 24 hours of placing your order, we reserve the right to cancel your order and release the products for sale to other customers.
Afterpay: If you have an Afterpay account, simply select this option at checkout and follow the prompts to complete your payment.
Humm: If you have a Humm account, simply select this option at checkout and follow the prompts to complete your payment.
ZIPPAY: If you have a Zippay account, simply select this option at checkout and follow the prompts to complete your payment. Payment
Due: Full payment is due at the time of purchase.
Order Confirmation: Upon receipt of your payment, our website will send an order confirmation to the email address provided at checkout. Please check your junk inbox as it will sometimes appear there. If you do not receive an order confirmation within 24 hours, please contact us to ensure your payment was processed correctly.
Processing: Orders are processed Monday to Friday during regular business hours. We have a courier pick up processed orders every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 11:30am. Some weeks our courier picks up more frequently. This is at our discretion. Orders placed on weekends or holidays are processed on the next business day.
Thank you for choosing Colour Me Pretty.
We appreciate your understanding and support of our policy. You can reach us at Email -